This year I “only” completed 20 games, which is down from my peak of 37 in 2021 but up from 18 in 2022. Not that I try to focus on quantity, as it’s usually other non-game Real Life factors that have the biggest impact on how many games I can get through. This year was certainly another year, with some personal challenges and an extremely high-maintenance elderly cat taxing my quality of life, but overall I can’t complain. I’m thankful for my family and friends and everything.
Category: Games
DualSense impressions and comparisons

I received my DualSense controller last week, and I’m very excited about it. I’m very enthusiastic about controllers specifically, so here are my impressions after playing around with it for a while. Since I obviously don’t have a PlayStation 5 yet, this means I have not yet been able to experience the most interesting new features of the DualSense: the haptic feedback and resistant triggers.
[originally posted at Total PlayStation]
Now in its tenth year of existence, The House of the Dead III is much like a zombie itself. After its original arcade debut in 2002, the game has been reanimated in the years since on the original Xbox, Microsoft Windows, Nintendo Wii, and finally yet again on the PlayStation 3 as a downloadable title. I guess you really can’t keep a zombie shooter down.
[originally posted at Total PlayStation]
Yes, we already have an excellent review of vanilla LittleBigPlanet 2 by our very own Scott. Not to sound lazy, but I’d rather not retread such well-trodden ground, so you can refer to his review to learn about the basics and content of the original release. This review is for LittleBigPlanet: 2 Special Edition, and will cover only the newly added content to the already superfluous LBP package.
Year In Review: 2011
[originally posted at Total PlayStation]
My 2011 tale is one filled with regret and shame. I’d love to regale you with a long list of magnificent titles like everyone else preceding me, but the sad fact is that I hardly beat any games last year. And the list of games I even bothered to play at all is not much longer. Sure, I was busy with work, writing, and other mandatory components of life, but I don’t want to make excuses.